Monday, February 16, 2009

Thing 10: Tagging and Delicious

Well, I can not believe I actually caught up with this. I know it will only be temporary though. After all, tomorrow is another thing. (My apologies to Margaret Mitchell.) Thank you NEFLIN gods for giving an extra week to catch up. I re-edited my things with labels and I signed up for delicious and examined some of the other tags. I can see how useful this can be for various reference work whether in children's or for adults. It worked great at home. However at the library we are limited in adding personal items to the tool bars. Because of programming limitations, we are limited in utilizing this feature. I can see the neatness and better organization this website can provide. I do appreciate the social aspect and the easy availability. Here at the library we often move from one workstation to another and our favorites do not follow us. This would be an extremely good time saving tool. I believe it could also be helpful in reducing keystrokes.(Something that my wrists would be grateful for.) I do plan on looking at Furl and Pagekeeper later but for now I will just post what I have.

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