Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Thing 5: Flickr

I created a new account in Flickr. Unfortunately I do not have either a digital camera or a camera phone mostly by choice. I do however have a scanner. I took some of my photographs and scanned them into my computer, then I uploaded them to my flickr account. I also slightly edited them and cropped them with Picnik. This was not particularly fast as I only have dial-up, however perseverence and patience prevailed. The photos are in Flickr and I now have one on my blog. I realize the exercise was to utilize a library scene; I just find underwater photos or those of my dogs and other wildlife more interesting. The photos were taken by me except in the case where I am in the photo. In that case it was still my camera with my settings.
Using Flickr in the library is a way to assist patrons with yet another facet of technology. It is also a way for libraries to share ways of displaying materials and ideas for seasonal activities. Flickr and Picnik together make a good combination to enhance their service. Using them was surprisingly easy providing I was patient. As far as making my photos public, it does not bother me. They are not professionally done by any means and the individuals are all adults. I looked at the other sites Picasa and SmugMug. Both were very good. I liked not having ads on SmugMug. However despite it being unlimited in space and no ads, you would have to pay to use it. I would much rather the free price tag.

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