Sunday, February 15, 2009

Thing 8: Communication Web 2.0 Style

I had to think long and hard on this. As I have said in previous blogs, I do not have a cell phone, blackberry, pager or anything else of that nature. I did have a laptop until I threw it across the room. (I no longer have anger issues as long as everyone agrees with me) So now I have a basic computer with dial up for e-mails and receiving statements and bills however I really do not bank on-line. I have tried to go somewhat green but I still support the post office with paying bills and sending packages and real letters to friends and family.(Note to self: buy some more forever stamps before rates increase again!!) I guess you could say I have one foot on solid ground and one foot into technology. Staddling a barrier can be dangerous only if the separation becomes so great that my short little legs fail me or force me to choose. I am hopeful that we all can strike a balance so that we never forget the range of generations that come through our doors.

With this technology of IMing, we are experiencing a cultural change. The texting and use of instant messaging has altered the syntax of the English language. I believe in one of the articles it was referred to as "nonlibrarianish". With ipods and bluetooth and other such devices, people are walking around with voices constantly in their heads. This at one time was a psychoses. I saw one patron the other day on one of our computers writing a paper and texting at the same time. I admire that sort of multi-tasking. Yet I wonder just how good a job one is doing on both. The language that is being used on the IM is a sort of rewritten language. It requires interpretation or having to look it up on google for the meaning. I do not believe it is rich in nuances, satire, irony or any subtleness that the spoken language can bring. Voice and a full written text can contain what IM can not.

One also talks about the speed with which one gives or receives information. When you drive through the Golden Arches or the King to get instant food, you can not say that the food is better than if you go to a real restaurant and wait a bit longer. IMing is a means to try and get a quick answer but it is not necessarily a definitive response. Are employees abusing the system by spending too much time on texting or IMing? It is possible, but if the employee does not have work ethics to begin with; this is just another avenue of work avoidance.

As far as web conferencing, at work the only computer with the necessary programming is the supervisor's. This is a good way to get the classes without the travel, however it still takes away from helping the questioning patron who is standing in front of you. Major libraries who have the resources and the patronage probably should utilize whatever technology their primary patrons use. The important aspect here is to supply the need of the majority of your patronage with balanced steps into the future technology. At our library for those who choose to give us an e-mail address, they receive computer generated notices on requested books. For the most part we still meet and greet all patrons that pass through our doors.

I apologize if my blog is too long. My husband always says I am a bit long winded. He's just envious because I'm better on a tank of air than he is.

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